Event Date
The Asian American Psychological Association's (AAPA) Division on Filipinx Americans will be hosting a two-day Filipinx Mental Health conference at UC Davis. The theme of this year's conference is Pagbabago: Transforming Silences into Solutions. In this year's gathering, we aspire to engage in conversations that illuminate both the strength and resilience that define our Filipinx American culture, as well as the challenging, often hidden truths of mental health that negatively impact many of us. In this conference, we aim to create a brave and supportive space where we can confront not only the celebrated parts of our Filipinx/o/a identities but also the experiences that can be harder to discuss and voice.
This event is co-sponsored by the Strategic Asian and Pacific Islander Retention Initiative (SAandPIRI).
If you are a UC Davis student in good academic standing you may qualify for SA&PIRI Student Development Grant to attend the DoFA Conference without paying for the registration fee. Please apply by January 15th with the link below!
Apply for the Student Development Grant through the link: https://bit.ly/AandPILeadConGrant2025
Register for the conference through the link: https://tinyurl.com/2025DoFARegister
Submit a presentation proposal through the link: https://tinyurl.com/2025DoFAPresenter