Academic Support and Tutoring Services

Academic excellence includes promoting a learning environment that encourages intentional scholarship and deep reflection, with the objective of supporting students as they define their goals and purpose. Below are some ways academic excellence is supported through the retention initiative. 

Academic Assistance and Tutoring Centers (AATC) 

AATC provides tutoring services in the following topics: Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Math, Physics, Statistics, and Writing. Students can schedule tutoring in various modalities throughout the academic year. Updated scheduling information is available on the AATC website.

The Strategic Asian and Pacific Islander Retention Initiative partners with AATC and may be able to provide free tutoring. Please email for additional information.

AandPI Aggies | First Year Aggie Connection (FYAC)

This First Year Aggie Connection (FYAC) is offered in Fall Quarter and is affiliated with the Asian and Pacific Islander Aggies (AandPIA) Living Learning Community. This LLC is a space for those interested in Asian American & Pacific Islander culture, history, and community to live and learn together. Participants in this FYAC will have the opportunity to learn about campus resources; meet AandPI community members including faculty and staff; and is designed to assist new Aggies with their transition to UC Davis. This FYAC is open to all students who identify with or who are interested in learning more about the Asian American & Pacific Islander community. First priority to register for this Connection is given to AandPIA LLC residents. All other interested first-year students will be considered if space remains during open registration. More information about FYACs can be found on the FYAC website

Accommodations for the Classroom 

The Student Disability Center (SDC) is the campus unit designated to receive requests for accommodation, approve services, and coordinate support for students with disabilities to create equitable access to the University’s educational programs.

  • Academic accommodations should be formally authorized through the Student Disability Center
  • Send Letter(s) of Accommodation to your instructors within the first two weeks of each quarter
  • Contact your SDC Specialist for assistance if you or your instructor have questions about your accommodations
  • Check-in with your instructor(s) to confirm the logistics of accommodated exam one week in advance of test dates
  • Connect with DRAC – Associated Students Disability Rights Advisory Committee
  • If you are receive extended time on exams, make every effort to schedule no more than 2 classes back-to-back to allow for the extra time you will need when scheduling your tests

Asian American Studies (ASA) 

SAandPIRI collaborates with the Department of Asian American Studies, an interdisciplinary major that examines the experiences of various Asian American groups in the United States, to provide academic and cultural programs including but not limited to: volunteer experiences, internship opportunities, and community building events. Students are encouraged to engage in research centers, labs, and internship opportunities. 

School of Education (SOE) 

In collaboration with the School of Education, undergraduate courses (First Year Aggie Connections and seminars) are offered with the objective of providing transformative learning opportunities and intersectional educational experiences for scholars. Topics range from multidimensional identity development, leadership, and multiculturalism.