Unity Against Hate Rally for ending AAPI hate crimes

Unity Against Hate Rally for ending AAPI hate crimes Flyer

Event Date

Central Park – 301 C St, Davis, CA 95616

Link to the main event: https://www.communityagainsthate.org/


My name is Youngyun Kim and I am contacting you on behalf of Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA), a non-profit focused on the empowerment of Asian American Pacific Islanders. We are reaching out regarding our Unity Against Hate rally, on May 15th @ 11 am PDT in Davis, Sacramento, or San Francisco. APAPA is part of a coalition of 30+ sponsoring this event to condemn acts of hate on AAPI and all other communities. We want to extend an invitation for you to attend. 

As you are aware, anti-hate crimes and discrimination against the AAPI community have increased drastically since the COVID-19 outbreak. Although there was a 7% decrease in hate crimes nationally, those against the AAPI community saw a 150% rise in the last year.

This is a nationwide rally happening at the same time in multiple cities across the country, but we are reaching out to you regarding some of our most important locations. We wanted to connect with UC Davis community to help us spread the word and implore your members to attend. It is our duty and responsibility to offer support to our Asian American communities and friends.

We urge you to join us at 11 am on Saturday, May 15th in Davis, Sacramento, or San Francisco to take part in this effort to achieve social justice for the AAPI community. You can find the addresses here. Regardless of one’s identity within or outside of the AAPI community, each member of society has the same responsibility to care for our neighbors and ensure that we create a space where diverse cultures are able to co-exist peacefully. 

Please find a Rally RSVP form to circulate with your network. We would be happy to see you there and please feel free to reach out if you have any other questions. Thank you for your consideration! "

Unity Against Hate Rally for ending AAPI hate crimes Flyer